雅思官方單位教你如何考口說(上):十條“要做”,輕鬆拿到雅思口說高分! #多益補習班 #雅思課程報名


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在英國文化協會 British Council 的官網上,有非常多關於雅思考試的資訊和評論。其中有兩篇經典文章“Ten dos for the IELTS speaking test”和“Ten don’ts for the IELTS speaking test”完美地回答了雅思考生的各種問題。

這兩篇文章皆來自英國文化協會英語教學獎的老師 Chris Pell,相信大家在看完之後也會對雅思口說測驗有更深刻的認識,更能掌握到精髓。




01  Do warm up 記得預熱!

What would happen if a footballer decided to play a game without running or stretching first? They would probably have a terrible game and maybe even injure themselves. Speaking a foreign language is no different. I advise all of my students to warm up for the IELTS test by speaking nothing but English for at least 24 hours before the test. This has a huge influence on your ability to naturally communicate in English. Tell your friends and family that you can only speak in English, and try to read and listen to English the day before the exam. Get to the testing centre early and engage the other candidates and staff in conversation. By the time your speaking test comes around, you will be ready.




02  Do practise at home 在家一定要練習

Speaking is a skill and just like any other skill it requires many hours of practice. Lots of my students complain that they don’t have anyone to practise English with, but these days there are lots of ways to practise online.


和朋友聊天,網上找軟體 / 真人聊天 / 語言交換等都是不錯的方法,重要的是一定要多加練習!


03  Do ask the examiner 向考官問問題沒問題!

Many students don’t know that you can occasionally ask the examiner to repeat the question if you didn’t understand it, or to ask them to explain what one word means. It is not a listening test. If you listen to native English speakers, you’ll notice that they do this all the time. The important thing is not to ask the examiner to repeat every question or to explain every word.

許多學生不知道,如果你不明白問題的意思,你可以偶爾讓考官重複一遍,或者讓他們解釋一個單字的意思。畢竟這不是聽力考試,如果你聽native speakers說話,你會注意到他們也老是這麼做,重要的是不要讓考官重複每一個問題或解釋每一個單字。


04  Do extend your answers 一定要延伸你的回答

It is not a good idea to give very short answers in the IELTS test and you should try to extend your answers. Three ways to extend your answers are: 1) explaining why 2) giving examples and 3) giving concessions (showing the opposite side of the argument).

Here’s an example to the question What can people do to reduce global warming?

I believe the best way to combat climate change is to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide is the main reason the planet is getting hotter, because it is a greenhouse gas and prevents the sun’s radiation from leaving our atmosphere. For example, it has been shown that there is a link between the increased use of fossil fuels and rising global temperatures. However, some doubt this and think global warming is a natural cycle and not a man-made problem.

As you can see, this candidate has fully explained her point and provided both a relevant example and a concession.


  1. 解釋原因
  2. 舉例
  3. 讓步(展示論點的反面)。




05  Do master functional language 一定要掌握功能性的語言

It is a very bad idea to memorise scripted answers, but you should be aware of the various types of functional language that might come up in the IELTS speaking test. You should be able to use the language of:

  • giving opinions
  • giving examples
  • contrasting views
  • evaluating someone else’s opinion
  • talking about cause and effect
  • talking about hypothetical situations.

You will be expected to talk about the past, present and future, so make sure you know the various forms for doing this.






06  Do use natural spoken English 一定要用自然的口語

If you listen carefully to native speakers of English, you’ll notice some important differences in the way they speak compared to learners of English. Native speakers use connected speech, weak sounds, intonation and sentence stress that many non-native speakers find difficult or ‘unnatural’. Ask a teacher or research online how these pronunciation features influence your speech. Listen to recordings of native speakers of English (for example, on YouTube) and try to imitate their use of connected speech or intonation by pausing the recording and repeating what you hear. With enough practice, you will start to sound more like a native speaker.

如果你仔細聽以英語為母語的人說話,你會注意到他們與英語學習者說話方式的一些重要差異。母語人士使用連讀、弱音、語調和句子重音,許多非母語人士覺得很難或“不自然”。向老師諮詢或上網搜索這些發音特徵是如何影響你的講話的,也可以聽聽英語為母語人士的錄音,通過暫停錄音並重複你聽到的內容,嘗試模仿他們使用連貫的講話或語調。通過足夠的練習,你會聽起來會更像一個native speaker的!



07  Do consider grammar vs fluency 平衡文法vs流利度

To do well in the speaking test you will be expected to be both grammatically accurate and fluent. Often, students worry too much about their grammar and this stops them speaking at a natural pace, thus reducing their score for fluency.

A good thing to do is record yourself. Record yourself once and just focus on being grammatically accurate. When you listen back, you might hear how unnaturally slow your speech is. Next, record yourself and try not to worry about making any grammar mistakes, just try to speak at the same speed you do in your native language.

By doing this, you not only practise your fluency, but also identify common grammar mistakes and then fix them, making you even more fluent. Even native speakers make small grammar mistakes when speaking, so don’t worry too much about them and use them as stepping stones to success.






08  Do find your passion 找到你的熱情所在!

Students often obsess over past exam questions and practise these over and over. The problem with this is students often get bored and speak without any passion about these topics. A better way is to find something you are really interested in and practise speaking, using this topic. If you love football, listen to the commentators during matches or listen to a podcast about the weekend’s matches. If you are into fashion, watch some fashion shows on TV or YouTube. You can practise talking about these things with a friend, record yourself or find other like-minded people online and chat to them.




09  Do take time to think 可以花時間來思考

If you are asked a question you are not sure about, don’t be afraid to take a moment to think about it. This is totally natural and something native English speakers do more than you think. The important thing is to tell the examiner you are doing this by using phrases such as the following:

  • That’s a difficult question. Let me think for a second…
  • That’s a very interesting question. Let me think for a moment…
  • It’s very difficult to know exactly, but perhaps…
  • It’s difficult to say. I think…
  • I don’t really know for sure, but I would say….

But make sure you don’t start every question with one of these phrases. The examiner will spot this and your mark will suffer if the examiner thinks you have prepared scripted answers.




10  Do correct yourself一定要糾正自己的錯誤

Don’t be afraid to correct any mistakes in the exam. This shows the examiner that you are aware of the mistake and know your grammar. Some students don’t like doing this because they think it alerts the examiner to your mistake leading to a lower score. The opposite is true. In fact, if you think about it, you probably correct mistakes in your own language all the time.












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